Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Do whales and dolphins have hair? Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA

do whales have hair

Between 1970 and 1999, 45 North Atlantic right whales were found dead in coastal waters of the U.S. east coast—and ships killed one-third of them. Other whales, like the fin whale, blue whale, and humpback whale, are also struck by passing ships. A study of humpback whales that live off the Gulf of Maine found that 15 percent of humpback whales in the region have injuries related to ship strikes.

Population Size

Skimmers, like North Atlantic right whales, swim through patches of plankton with their mouths open as the water washes through the baleen, the tiny plankton are caught by the baleen and remain trapped in the their mouths. Rorqual whales like blue and humpback whales have a series of pleats running from their lower jaw to the belly button which expand when they are filled with water. They close down with their upper jaw and force the water through the baleen, capturing fish or krill. Gray whales are suckers, they literally suck amphipods from the bottom of the ocean taking in mouthfuls of mud and food before forcing the water, sand and mud through their baleen as they capture their prey.

History & Culture

This is how they can add complexity to the high-frequency sounds used in echolocation. Whales are able to survive in deep or freezing polar water because of a layer of fat, called blubber, covering their entire body underneath the skin. Blubber is also less dense than the seawater cetaceans swim in, similar to wetsuits used for surfing or diving, which gives the animals buoyancy and helps them float. Blubber thickness has quite the range—varying from two to more than 12 inches thick depending on the species.

Whales can’t breathe underwater

Cetaceans are broadly divided into two groups, depending on whether they have teeth (odontocetes) or baleen (mysticetes). Eleanor is a content creator and social media assistant with an undergraduate degree in zoology and a master’s degree in wildlife documentary production.

By the 1970s, public awareness halted the capture of orcas off the coast of British Columbia and Washington, and in 1976 the last orca was taken from the region. Iceland then became the main source of whales for marine parks—between 1955 and 1972, 300 orcas were captured from Icelandic waters for the marine park industry. In later years marine parks resorted to breeding their captive whales, and in 2004 the first live births from artificial insemination occurred. In the 1860s a Norwegian entrepreneur revolutionized the whaling process and ushered in a new, modern era of whaling. Sven Foyn’s boats were steam-powered and equipped with deck cannons that shot harpoons that exploded on impact.

Functions of Whales’ Hairs

The museum is also home to Phoenix, a 45 foot, 2,300 pound full-scale model of a female North Atlantic right whale that hangs in the Sant Ocean Hall. She is one of many whale models that have graced the halls of the Museum, including the 1903 blue whale that was the first-ever cast of a whale, and the 1963 blue whale that replaced it. Navy agreed in 2015 to end mid-frequency sonar training in specified areas where whales congregate, and in 2016 they extended the exclusion to low-frequency hunting sonar. In waters near British Columbia, Canada, a voluntary speed reduction policy during the season when endangered orcas migrate through Haro Strait was put in place for the first time in 2017. The initial policy successfully decreased noise pollution from commercial ships and was continued in 2018. The presence of whale-watching boats can alter whale behavior, including scaring them off from important feeding areas, and boat noise and pollution are other sources of stress.

Who has the largest brain?

Why Are Whales So Big? - Vermont Public

Why Are Whales So Big?.

Posted: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Norwegian whalers initially hunted close to home, but by 1904 they began to expand throughout the world, establishing whaling stations as they went. In the 1920s, they also introduced pelagic-factory ship whaling where the entire whale was hauled on deck to be processed at sea. Other advances included processing machinery, radio, the use of fleets with many specialized vessels, and aircraft spotting. Whaling became so efficient that by World War II many species were on the brink of extinction.

Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu Detected For The First Time In Common Bottlenose Dolphin

do whales have hair

Most baleen whales take their large gulps of seawater close to the surface—species such as rorquals lunge-feed in a single gulp, while right whales skim continuously with their mouths agape. Researchers have found that blue whales complete 360 degree turns while lunging with wide open mouths to align their mouths with the swarm of prey and get the most possible krill. A blue whale can eat as much as one ton  of krill per day at the peak of feeding time in Antarctica and fit as much as 150 percent of its body weight worth of water in one gulp. One whale will dive down and begin to produce bubbles in a circle below the surface of the water.

Every March thousands of dolphins are secretly corralled in a particular cove. A few are selected and sold to dolphinariums and the rest are slaughtered and their meat sold in local supermarkets. Porpoises belong to the family Phocoenidae, of which there are six members. Porpoises have stouter bodies and shorter beaks than the true dolphins and are typically smaller, with triangular dorsal fins. Baleen whales specialize in hearing low-frequency sounds for long-distance communication.

With fewer than 450 individuals left, North Atlantic right whales are considered endangered and until 2013, researchers were unsure where they mated. In 2014, researchers determined that this species gathered to reproduce in waters off the Gulf of Maine during the Northern Hemisphere winter. The species can be seen in groups at the surface of the water nuzzling, rubbing, and generally jostling for a mate, in what researchers think is courtship behavior. Dolphins also show signs of courtship behavior, sometimes crossing over to aggressive mating behavior, and sexual behavior unrelated to reproduction. Some species with more narrow face shapes, such as dolphins and beluga whales, can see with binocular vision—where they stitch together a single image, the way humans see. Despite losing their visible hair, whales continue to depend on their sensory hair to navigate underwater.

In baleen whales, between the blowhole and the lungs there is a special larynx called the U-fold that directly connects to a unique, expandable sac within the whale’s chest. When the whale “talks,” air flows from the lungs, through the U-fold, and then fills the sac. The vibrations made by the U-fold reverberate within the air-filled sac, a system that allows these whales to create a sound loud enough to travel thousands of kilometers.

There are over 80 species of whales, and hair is only visible in some of these species. In some adult whales, you can't see hair at all, as some species only have hair when they are fetuses in the womb. It is likely that these accounts influenced the stories we are familiar with today. In the Bible, Jonah becomes imprisoned in a whale’s stomach for three days, a theme that is mirrored in Disney’s Pinocchio from 1940. Herman Melville’s famous story of Moby Dick, published in 1851, also features a villainous sperm whale that Captain Ahab chases to enact revenge.

Toothed whales (including dolphins and porpoises) all have teeth but the number, size and position, and even purpose of their teeth, varies from species to species. Some, like Orcas, use their teeth for grabbing while the long tusk of a male narwhal acts as a sensory organ and may help them “taste” the surrounding waters. One thing they have in common is that they do not use their teeth to chew their food! Toothed whales do not have molars for chewing their food, they swallow it whole or in large chunks. Some toothed whales use their tongues as pistons to suck in the food, using their teeth more socially than for feeding. One thing all toothed whales have in common is their sophisticated sonar systems called echolocation.

Whales Smithsonian Ocean

do whales have hair

These spouts vary in size and shape based on the species and can be used to identify a species from afar. Whales are known for their surface antics—searching for a view of them at the surface is the basis for a booming tourism industry. Cetaceans need to spend a certain amount of time at the surface of the water to breathe air but, as those on whale watching tours know, they do more than just breathe there. While these marine mammals are at the surface catching a breath, they engage in many other behaviors for feeding and communication. Sperm whales, pygmy sperm whales (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) make up the Physeteroidea group.

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The bubbles will merge together and rise to the surface, causing confusion and producing a de facto net that surrounds schooling fish they have encountered. Then, other whales will rise up through the center forcing the fish towards the surface where they are gulped like fish in a barrel. Bubble net feeding, as it’s called, is only seen in humpback whales during the feeding season. Gray whales, in contrast, feed close to the seafloor where they suck up prey in the muddy sediment that they filter through their baleen.

Brain power

Studying the molecular composition of the baleen will enable scientists to determine what kinds of food the whales ate and which oceans they swam in. Taken together, this information can paint an accurate picture of what life in the ocean was like for these whales some 75 years ago and enables us to understand how the ocean and its whales have changed over time. Because of these efforts, in 2016 most humpback whale populations were removed from the endangered species list.


Unsolved mystery: What are those weird bumps on the heads of humpback whales? - Earth Touch News

Unsolved mystery: What are those weird bumps on the heads of humpback whales?.

Posted: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Toothed whales, unlike baleen whales, hunt prey directly and do not require the elaborate filtering mechanism provided by baleen. Cetaceans include the largest living animals on the planet, but some of the smallest can be found living on and in whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Small crustaceans called whale lice live in folds and rough patches of their skin, as well as in their lesions and nostrils. Most whale louse species have an exclusive corresponding cetacean species that acts as the host for their entire life cycle. Male and female sperm whales even have different unique lice species that they host. Whales are extraordinary marine mammals with several unique adaptations to their aquatic environment.

Rogue orcas are thriving on the high seas—and they’re eating big whales

do whales have hair

Historians think the first description of a horned horse comes from Greek physician Ctensias of Cnidus in 398 B.C., though it also finds its way into the Bible through a series of mistranslations. Then during the Middle Ages, Viking traders likely introduced narwhal tusks to European markets. Unfamiliar with this Arctic whale species, the existence of the narwhal tusk became proof of the unicorn. Evidence for this theory includes depictions of unicorns in artwork with a spiraled horn.

In summary, hair on whales and dolphins might serve multiple functions, from helping them locate prey to facilitating communication and navigation. Hippos are the closest living relatives of whales, but they are not the ancestors of whales. Both hippos and whales evolved from four-legged, even-toed, hoofed (ungulate) ancestors that lived on land about 50 million years ago. Modern-day ungulates include hippopotamuses, giraffes, deer, pigs, and cows. Unlike the hippo’s ancestor, whale ancestors moved to the sea and evolved into swimming creatures over a period of about 8 million years.

Facts about dolphins

do whales have hair

These whales have a characteristic hump on their back, right before their dorsal fin. Another striking feature is their long side fins and the grooves on their underside. Scientists have discovered that blues can sing for days and have found 11 different song types around the world that may correspond to distinct populations of blue whales. They have also found that blue whales migrate over large distances and produce songs throughout the year - at their tropical breeding grounds, during migration, and on their feeding grounds.

Humpback Whales

Some suggest it could be a leftover trait from when whale ancestors were living on land. Others suggest that the nerves around the hair follicles help the whales in some way, and could be used to sense changes in the water such as pressure, helping whales detect shoals of fish or changes in the currents. There is some research showing that Minke whales have been observed using their chin hairs to detect air and ice interfaces in cold Antarctic waters. The bumps on humpback whales’ head, mouth and even on their flippers are called tubercles.

On land where light is abundant, humans see the world using three specific color receptors. But underwater light is filtered, and in deeper water, many wavelengths are lost so that colors lose their vibrancy, fading altogether at deeper depths. Whales, adapting to this environment, only have one color receptor—they see in greyscale, which allows them to see better in the low light and they have large pupils to allow as much light in as possible. However, the murky waters of the Ganges have proven too dark for the river dolphins that live there.

Equally, the earliest whales may have experienced pressures from other predators on land, or they returned to the ocean for reasons that we cannot fully test. Whales have also adapted the shape of their eye to better see underwater. Terrestrial animals, including humans, rely on the cornea—the clear outer layer of the eye—to focus images using a property called refraction, a bending of light as it crosses through different materials. As light travels through the air and enters the eye, it bends and creates a focused image on the retina with a bit of help from the lens. Underwater, terrestrial animals become far-sighted because the fluid of the eye and the water are so similar; light doesn’t bend enough and the image doesn’t focus effectively.

Today, most nations observe the whaling ban put in place by the International Whaling Commission (see Conservation section). Only a few nations, including Iceland, Japan, and Norway, object to the ban and continue to whale. The IWC also allows certain aboriginal groups from Canada, the U.S., Greenland, Russia, South-Eastern Asia, and the Caribbean to whale since it has been deemed an integral part of their nutritional and cultural life. The Hr gene is responsible for encoding a protein that regulates hair follicle cycling, and changes in this gene may have affected hair loss in cetaceans. In contrast, the FGF5 gene plays a role in hair follicle development and morphology, and changes in this gene may have influenced the hair loss process. Positive selection for the FGF5 gene in cetaceans may have promoted hair growth termination and early entry into the catagen stage of hair follicle cycling.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie

This classic chocolate chip cookie recipe is one that has been enjoyed for decades. Drop onto parchment paper lined baking sheets by rounded tablespoon. I suggest using light-colored baking sheets. Here you'll find delicious recipes for the home cook, with easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step photos. This chocolate chip cookie is everyone's favorite!

Best Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

My aunt made the best ones from the recipe on the bag of Baker's. Her secret (which I swore I would never tell my mother) was creaming (in a mixer) the butter and sugars for 3 minutes then a minute after each egg. And she put them in the fridge for 30 minutes and returned the batter to the fridge between baking batches. Everyone needs a chocolate chip cookie recipe that is tried and true and this one won’t disappoint. It is easy, legendary and tastes delicious. Cool on the baking sheet for 2 minutes and then remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Nestlé Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars Recalled for Wood Fragments - EatingWell

Nestlé Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars Recalled for Wood Fragments.

Posted: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]


This is the exact recipe on the back of the Toll House chocolate chip bag! I decided to test it out for you and give you my unfiltered opinion on how they turned out. Stir in chocolate chips and optional nuts. Sift and whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. To her surprise, the chocolate bits held their shape, softening to a creamy, melt-in-your-mouth texture instead. There’s nothing like the original Nestlé Toll House chocolate chip cookie recipe.

White Chocolate Raspberry Cookies

Mix the dry ingredients in a small bowl.2. Beat the butter, sugars, and vanilla in another bowl. Beat in the eggs one at a time.3. Gradually add the dry mixture to the wet mixture. Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts.4.

Gradually add the flour mixture to the bowl of creamed ingredients. Mrs. Wakefield's obituary in the NYT says she chilled the dough overnight. What do others think of that? Also, why omit (or include) the teaspoon of hot water? We all strive for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, usually the cookie we remember from childhood. To bake this recipe at a higher altitude, add another 1/4 cup of flour.

nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie

I'm Izzy, a food lover and photographer. Here you’ll find a collection of simple recipes that are perfect for busy people. My blog aims to help you make and enjoy delicious and healthy food at home. Scoop the dough into 1 ½ inch balls and place on the prepared baking sheet, spaced 2 inches apart to allow room for spreading.

Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after every addition. The amounts given in the recipe card are exactly the same as the original 1930s recipe. However, I have changed the instructions to match the one-bowl method that I prefer when making any cookie. Get recipes, tips and NYT special offers delivered straight to your inbox. I would remember to have some milk nearby though.

Store dough, covered, in refrigerator for up to 1 week or in freezer for up to 8 weeks. This recipe is so easy- even beginners can pull it off no sweat. Miss Wakefield fully expected the chocolate to melt and create a chocolate cookie.

Not too dense and perfectly chewy, this quick treat is exactly what a cookie should be. Mix gently with a rubber spatula and stop as soon as you no longer see streaks of flour. Fold in the chocolate chips (and nuts if using). The inn owner, Ruth Wakefield, added a chopped Nestlé semisweet chocolate bar to her cookie dough. I always increase the flour to 2 1/2 cups, and decrease both sugars to 2/3 cup each.

Little did she know that this would become the most popular cookie ever. (-) Information is not currently available for this nutrient.

The blend of white sugar and brown sugar in the recipe gives a unique flavor and contributes to the perfect texture – a crispy edge with a chewy center. Step 3 Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Best Original Nestle Toll House Cookie Recipe

nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie

Used French butter and added 4 oz broken-up high-quality dark chocolate. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email I just sent you. If you did not receive an email check your spam folder. Otherwise, add to your address book and try again. Sustainably sourcing ingredients is also key to a great tasting cookie.

The Best Snickerdoodle Cookie Recipe

They are plenty sweet, and the texture is perfect - crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside. Here are some ways to change up this popular Nestle chocolate chip cookie recipe. The original Toll House chocolate chip cookie recipe is proof you can't go wrong with a classic.

nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie

My Favorite Go-To Sourdough Bread Recipe

The Toll House Crunch Cookie recipe was originally published in Ruth’s book, Toll House Tried and True Recipes. She later sold the recipe to Nestle in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate. Scoop spoonfuls of dough onto a cookie sheet and bake until golden around the edges, about 9 to 11 minutes. They are crisp around the edges and soft and chewy in the middle. As a leader in baking for more than 80 years, Ruth's innovative spirit continues to drive Nestlé Toll House today.

Peanut Butter Balls

I am an avid vintage cookbook collector, cook, baker, and total foodie. I love sharing new, fun, creative recipes and great classic recipes, just like my Grandma used to make! Every recipe on BIWL is tested to ensure that cooks of any experience level can succeed. Welcome to this delicious corner of the internet! Here I share the recipes my family loves. Sift in half of the flour along with the baking soda and salt.

Nestlé issues voluntary recall for Toll House Cookie Dough over possible wood fragments found in product - Big Island Now

Nestlé issues voluntary recall for Toll House Cookie Dough over possible wood fragments found in product.

Posted: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Scoop out your cookie portions and freeze them in a single layer on your baking sheet. Once frozen, transfer the frozen cookie dough into a sealable freezer storage bag. It's best to label your cookie dough with the date made and the temperature needed for baking. Used 16 oz of chocolate chips, chilled minutes as several recommended, I cooked for 12 minutes. 10 wasn’t enough, at least not with my oven. Deliciously chewy, slightly browned.

How to Store Toll House Cookies

This recipe uses slightly more flour than the original in comparison to the amount of butter in the recipe. Your butter might have been too warm, or your flour measurement was off. Make sure your dough balls go onto a cool baking sheet. To freeze your dough for later.

The Best Chicken Marinade Recipe

I love running, cooking, and curling up with a good book! Here you’ll find simple and delicious recipes that you can make in 30 minutes or less. Beat (cream) the butter and sugars. Beat the softened butter, brown and white sugars, and vanilla with an electric mixer on medium speed.

Nestlé recalls 2 batches of cookie dough items over wood chips - Los Angeles Times

Nestlé recalls 2 batches of cookie dough items over wood chips.

Posted: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Mix it in by hand, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Then mix in the remaining flour. Transfer the balls into freezer-safe bags. Squeeze out as much air as you can before sealing. Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie

As a hobby farmer, business owner, and mom of five, I'm all about keeping it simple in the kitchen. I'm here to help you make meal times a breeze. Let's work together to find something for your table. She sold the rights to her recipe to Nestlé for only $1.00! That is pure insanity right?!

They feature a buttery base studded with decadent, melty chocolate chips. There is no need to thaw the cookie dough before baking. Just place the frozen balls of dough on your baking sheet and bake them for an extra minute or two longer. The Nestle Toll House Cookie Recipe is the first recipe many of us ever made, often with our mothers or grandmothers.

With a strong focus on new product innovations, the iconic brand is constantly expanding its offering to meet the changing demands of the modern baker. Everybody has a favorite cookie recipe that brings them comfort, and for many, the Toll House Cookie Recipe is that go-to recipe. It’s not just a recipe; it’s a piece of nostalgia dating back to the Toll House Inn and the culinary brilliance of Ruth Wakefield.

Yes, you can replace the all-purpose flour with most gluten-free flours or free flour blends. Be mindful that this may alter the texture slightly. Be sure to check out the full recipe for ingredient measurements. Check out these tips to make your baking experience extra hassle-free.

87K+ Free Happy Birthday Templates

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Birthday cards for him come in a wide variety of masculine options and, of course, some birthday cards with dogs. OK, most of them are cute but there are a few big boy cards there as well. Birthday cards for her definitely cater more to floral, pastel, and elegant designs, but there are plenty of designs for that little girl in her.

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It’s always a better choice to make a meaningful birthday card online rather than just typing something on social media. You can find all kinds of birthday cards for basically anyone, For instance, birthday cards for your partner, parents, kids, friends, and pets, and even for colleagues. Making a birthday card with a personal touch will remind the recipient of your sincere birthday wishes every time they see the birthday card again. Moreover, the price of a card can nearly equal a premium coffee, so “free” is a breath of fresh air, and you won’t encounter fine print exceptions or surprise fees.

What to write in birthday cards?

Complete your printable birthday card project using your home printer or send your creation as an eCard from our site via email or Facebook from your computer, phone, or tablet. You can even download as image or PDF file and save it to portable storage media, if you’d like to take your design to a local shop for printing. Here are the best birthday messages, jokes, and wishes for all the special people in your life. There is also a huge section devoted to both milestone birthdays and birthdays to various family members. Whether you need a birthday card for mom or a 40th birthday card, we have you covered.

What to Write in a Birthday Card: 100+ Birthday Wishes

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These happy birthday images are a great way to wish friends and family on their special day. When a friend or family member has a birthday, writing just the right birthday wish or message in their birthday card will make the day extra special. Birthday wishes can go a long way toward helping a loved one know how you think about them by making them feel important and loved.

Many birthday cards mock getting older. These artists are painting a different picture - CNN

Many birthday cards mock getting older. These artists are painting a different picture.

Posted: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Yellow Sunflower Birthday Wishes Card

design of happy birthday

Here at Greetings Island we offer thousands of free options for cards and invitations, but we also do have some premium options available. From greeting card design collaborations with leading stationery designers to custom fonts and stickers, there are many options for our premium members. You can also choose to make a one time purchase for any of these premium options. Tailored to tickle the funny bone or warm the heart of a sensitive soul, your card speaks your message to the honored recipient every time they read it again.

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Fotor’s online card maker allows you to design any element in the template. There are infinite design combinations to use when you create cards with Fotor. You can easily get a unique card that fits your style by adding birthday photo frames, adjusting images, texts, and themes. All ready-made templates are beginner-friendly, so feel free to use these engrossing templates now, then get an exclusive creation to be proud of. Greetings Island offers a wide variety of birthday cards for you to choose from. Whether you want some playful and funny birthday cards or more vintage themed birthday cards for kids.

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Our collection of birthday messages ranges from funny to profound and lighthearted to an expression of love. Here, find the right words to express your Happy Birthday wishes to all the special people in your life. Giving your friends and your loved ones a happy birthday card is always a nice and thoughtful gesture. Here on Fotor, you can find many birthday card styles, like funny birthday cards, and heartfelt birthday cards.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Ho Kee Cafe Review San Gabriel Los Angeles

house of kee

This Cantonese go-to in the San Gabriel Valley is known for playing the hits, though the crumbly, thinly sliced char siu is definitely not for everyone. The one thing that seems to be on every table is the Hong Kong-style roast duck, with the flavorful, gamey meat subtly scented by notes of anise and five-spice. A popular spot for dinner in San Gabriel, Ho Kee Cafe serves Cantonese classics in a super -busy dining room. Duck is the best thing here - and you’ll know it as soon as you walk in and see rows of them hanging in the kitchen window. You’ve got plenty of options (you can get it shredded in porridge or soup, or chopped up with rice), but our favorite is just the roast duck with some house-made duck sauce.


The carving at this cash-only El Monte joint can be hit or miss, but the meats are always on point. From a properly fired roast duck to gleaming white siu yuk and the lean shoulder cuts of char siu, nearby residents are lucky to have truly excellent Cantonese food at very affordable prices. The residence features distinctive volumes, interconnected to create an individualized yet harmonious whole. The spatial design prioritizes each family member’s unique needs through volumetric interplay. The design team includes elements like the ‘Say Hi’ box to encourage interaction with street life, with a dynamic front facade, featuring fluted concrete blocks and stainless-steel inlays, adding visual interest.

Nickey Kehoe Design Studio

Since his retirement, the restaurant has been run by his son William and daughter Mary. House of Kee is a second generation family owned business that had served Pierce County for 46 years.


Visitors can see some of this furniture, as well as the wide-ranging collection of arts-and-craft pieces that he and his wife of 50 years, Alfreda, amassed together. The garden, which he tended, and the house are both open for tours; if you ask, you might be able to peek into the workshop, where he continued building until his death in 2009 at the age of 93. Here in Los Angeles, the most popular varieties of Cantonese-style barbecue are maltose-glazed roasted pork (char siu), blistered-skin pork belly (siu yap), juicy roasted duck (siu ngaap), and soy-sauce chicken (yao gai). From Silver Lake to South El Monte, here now are the eight essential Hong Kong-style barbecue restaurants to experience across Los Angeles. The thoughtful use of materials such as concrete, nyatoh timber, and balau timber enhances the overall architectural vision. The central void allows natural light to illuminate the space, highlighting the residence’s design artistry and engaging its inhabitants.

house of kee

The design uses volumes to represent different functions, resulting in a composition defined by volumetric interplay. And the chicken chowmain is great, it has beansprout in it and all the the fresh hot food arriving to the table , awesome.We will be there this Friday. It’s more than just a walk-in closet, as her pantry is a large room that holds all her food, as well as cooking and baking ingredients, her colorful China set and glass cheese and dessert serving wear.

The Bizarre Experience of Rewatching 'Children of Men' Today - CNET

The Bizarre Experience of Rewatching 'Children of Men' Today.

Posted: Sun, 01 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The Schindler House - MAK Center for Art and Architecture

“Khloé is the most organized, cleanest, most obsessive person I know in her own home,” Kris revealed during a November 2019 episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. A diverse digital database that acts as a valuable guide in gaining insight and information about a product directly from the manufacturer, and serves as a rich reference point in developing a project or scheme. Select a swatch to view additional product information or request wood and samples. Each Nickey Kehoe Collection piece is fully customizable in an assortment of COM (Customer's Own Material), Nickey Kehoe Twill, Holland & Sherry Corduroys, Howe at 36 Bourne Street and Susan Deliss fabrics as well as an array of custom wood finishes. Hand addressed on heavy, letterpressed card and wax sealed in a folded gifting envelope.

Italian Glass & Brass Pendant

This 1921, Mayan-inflected Frank Lloyd Wright house was originally built as a “progressive theatrical community” space by activist and oil heiress Aline Barnsdall. Today it’s the centerpiece of Barnsdall Park and is open for tours during the park’s popular Friday night wine tasting events. Neutra was something of a control-freak as a designer—he made recommendations to his clients that included the ideal flowers to display, and would occasionally make unannounced visits to see how, exactly, people were living in his homes. This remodel retains Neutra’s clarity of vision and is still a stunner. Today, this glass-walled paragon of modern design overlooking the Silver Lake Reservoir is an active part of LA’s design community and home to occasional art installations. Each Saturday, students in Cal Poly Pomona’s architecture program lead half-hour tours.

Backyard Princess

Mr. Peter Kee chose Puyallup to raise his family and to start his business. Peter met Shirley through a matchmaker in 1954, they fell in love and married in 1955. William was born in 1956 and in order to support his family he became a truck driver.


Certificates are mailed to the shipping address included at checkout unless otherwise noted. To purchase a custom amount, request a balance inquiry, or transfer a credit for online or in-store use, contact From statement furniture that anchors a room, to kitchen essentials, custom lighting, wallpaper, textiles and winsome objects, everything in the NK Studio is curated to feel truly special, yet entirely at home. Drawn by the golden light of California, Todd and Amy established a LA-based design studio and boutique in 2008, where vintage aesthetics, global treasures, and craftsmanship converge. Their offerings, from bespoke furniture to globally sourced home accessories, are a testament to design with soul, precision, and story.

Kee's Loaded Kitchen Serves the Biggest, Baddest Down-Home Plates in Portland - Willamette Week

Kee's Loaded Kitchen Serves the Biggest, Baddest Down-Home Plates in Portland.

Posted: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

With more children arrived, he realized in order to create a better life for his family he need to start his own business. He was very ambitious and entrepreneurial, by 1970 he had opened several nightclubs and the first Sea Dragon restaurant in Hong Kong. The Missions and Ranchos are a special designation of historic homes that have such a unique position in telling the history of southern California that they deserve a separate page. If you enjoy exploring the historic homes of famous, and not-so-famous people, there are a number of historic residences in Southern California that are open to the public as museums. Most of them are City, State and National Historic Landmarks There is some overlap with LA Local History Museums.

The pantry features numerous storage cabinets, six open shelves that go from floor to ceiling and all items are in their own neatly labeled bins, trays and jars. Purple flowers hang from vines in her backyard, which also features a modern fountain that daughter True had to check out. To take a full tour of Khloé Kardashian’s house, scroll through the gallery of photos below. Designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe's design partnership began in Manhattan in 2004. Curious collaborators and modern hunters of uncanny beauty, Todd and Amy's shared vision enlivens and inspires.

The restaurant is named after one of the most famous roast goose purveyors in Hong Kong. Don’t miss the excellent soy sauce chicken and a very serviceable siu yuk. Kee Yen Architect’s 3-Juxta House presents an architectural composition of three distinct volumes that integrate form and function, creating a cohesive living environment. The interconnected masses cater to the diverse needs of the household, fostering unity and flow within the space. Carefully chosen materials offer spatial effects while supporting passive design strategies for tropical living.

When the home was finished in 1929, it cost a reported $3M, making it the most expensive private home in the city at the time. From tract homes to Case Study Houses, Southern California has always been at the forefront of residential home design (even Ice Cube knows it). Whether you’re interested in local history, celebrity digs or plain old house porn, we’ve got a spot for you. So get off the beaten museum track and check out these landmark architectural homes, all within a few mile radius and (mostly) open to the public.

Broncos unveil new uniforms in first major refresh since 1997

design of nike

Manufacturers in India, Argentina, Italy, Mexico, and Brazil are also contracted to produce for local markets. In spite of its large supply chain and manufacturing network, Nike still focuses on maintaining the quality and innovative character of its products, investing heavily in research and development. The company’s growth also introduced controversies about poor working conditions and low pay for workers in its Indonesian factories in the 1990s; the company responded by creating factory codes of conduct. In response to a wave of protests, Nike raised worker minimum ages and adopted U.S. clean-air standards in non-U.S. The company continued to address concerns about labor issues through the 2000s in its overseas factories. In the 2020s, Nike faced a gender pay discrimination lawsuit.


What remained the same was swoosh and the placement of the key elements of design. One basic principle of design is to use the psychology of shapes. Apart from Nike’s black and white color scheme, contrast is often used for different elements of the same design. It helps you set them apart and create a distinct theme out of it. At that point, you can mix and match to see which elements need to be equally or more prominent.

design of nike

Innovation, Inspiration, and Excellence Unleashed

But if you’re planning to be anywhere near Nike in terms of branding, go for simplicity as a principle of design. Color contrast is one of the most important principles of design. So they made black and white variable logo designs to be placed against all backgrounds. The empty areas in design and between the elements of design are called white space, or negative space. How does it manage to gain and retain so much popularity among these people? Nike follows certain principles of design alongside all the marketing campaigns they organize.

The Future Of Nike, According To Chief Innovation Officer John Hoke - Complex

The Future Of Nike, According To Chief Innovation Officer John Hoke.

Posted: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

All you Need to Know about Business Model Canvas Innovation

The idea behind this is to keep the viewer’s eye focused on the main element of design by removing all other distractions from the surroundings. There’s no one type you can follow if you want to use the psychology of shapes here. If you draw a line in the middle of this logo and look at each side separately, the area covered by Nike’s text and symbol would turn out almost the same on both sides. A striking contrast between the background and the objects is absolutely necessary to ensure visibility.

After gaining insights into athletes' experiences, Nike defines the problems and challenges they face. It goes beyond merely producing sports gear; it involves addressing the performance and comfort issues athletes encounter. Nike recognizes that sporting success isn't just about the athlete but also the gear they use. Nike's journey through Design Thinking begins with empathy, focusing on understanding the athletes it serves. Nike invests extensively in understanding the needs, aspirations, and challenges of its diverse consumer base. Through athlete interviews, surveys, and observations, Nike forms a deep connection with the athletes to design products that cater to their real-world needs and desires.

News from Dezeen Events Guide, a listings guide covering the leading design-related events taking place around the world. Sent every Tuesday and containing a selection of the most important news highlights. Plus occasional updates on Dezeen’s services and breaking news. Our most popular newsletter, formerly known as Dezeen Weekly. Sent every Thursday and featuring a selection of the best reader comments and most talked-about stories.

Nike embraced the ban and the controversy surrounding the shoes. By the end of 1985, the firm reported revenue in excess of $100 million. When it comes to logo design principles, minimalism is the most effective one. Anything that your logo can do without needs to be eliminated. Have you ever noticed that Nike products don’t contain the logo variation with their name on it?

History of Nike: Company timeline and facts - TheStreet

History of Nike: Company timeline and facts.

Posted: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Nike’s Customer Segments

Nike's journey through the five stages of Design Thinking has positioned it as a global leader in athletic innovation. By empathizing with athletes, defining performance challenges, ideating creatively, prototyping meticulously, and testing with real athletes, Nike has become synonymous with cutting-edge athletic gear. Their products aren't just tools; they're experiences that empower athletes to achieve their best.

They create tangible models of their athletic gear to rigorously test their concepts. These prototypes are tried and tested under various conditions to ensure they meet the demands of athletes. This stage ensures that Nike's products not only look good but also perform impeccably. The Nike Swoosh logo has come a long way since it was first created by Carolyn Davidson in 1971.

Embrace the emotions of perseverance and dedication as you witness the commitment to excellence that drives its design team. Designers use advanced software to create virtual models of the shoes, allowing them to fine-tune every detail. Prototyping takes those virtual models and transforms them into physical samples.

It works with state-of-the-art production facilities and skilled artisans to produce each pair of shoes with precision and care. Embrace the emotions of anticipation and appreciation as you imagine the meticulous process that goes into creating your favourite footwear. Many designers add movement in their designs by placing letters and objects in different angles, shapes, and ways. Following this principle of design can make a logo look animated. In 1984, Michael Jordan was the undisputed star of basketball.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) banned Jordan’s shoes, and issued a $5,000 fine each time he wore them. Athletes provide critical feedback on the prototypes, which is used to fine-tune their athletic gear. This iterative process guarantees that the final products meet the high-performance standards expected by athletes.

In conclusion, Nike’s design process is a harmonious blend of art and science. From the creative spark that ignites inspiration to the meticulous craftsmanship that brings designs to life, each step is a testament to its commitment to excellence and innovation. Embrace the emotions of admiration and fascination as you gain insight into the behind-the-scenes journey of your beloved shoes. With a relentless pursuit of cutting-edge design and a dedication to creating products that inspire and empower athletes worldwide, nike continues to shape the future of sportswear and fashion.

All of these practices and the bold font of their text add emphasis on their brand’s name, and symbol. It’s common to see logos having text on the bottom of the design or the side of the symbol. They merged all three types of shapes and created what you now see as the final version of Nike’s logo. If you haven’t heard of it already, shapes and fonts in your design have a massive impact on how a person sees your brand.

The Nike Swoosh logo first appeared in 1964, when the company was known as Blue Ribbon Sports. This design wasn’t super-legible, but was perfectly serviceable at the time. For further insights into famous logos were created, see our articles on the Google logo history and the logo history of YouTube. We've also got pieces on the Apple logo story and the logo history of Coca-Cola. Finally, if you're inspired by the idea that anyone can create an iconic logo, read our guide to how to design a logo to get started with your own creations.

8 Best Hong Kong-Style Barbecue Restaurants in LA Eater LA

house of kee

He was the one who decided on their profession, sending them off to MIT and then demanding they move out to Pasadena once they graduated. No word on whether he determined their style as well, but no matter who the progenitor, this graceful house originally built for one of the heirs of the Proctor & Gamble fortune remains one of the best examples of their work. However you decide to experience it, don’t miss the remarkable zig-zag staircase, a joyous element that adds a bit of fun to the perfection of the house.

snøhetta's mixed-use building in oslo performs with net-zero energy usage

The dining area in Khloe’s old home was full of natural light and of course, more flowers. KoKo had plenty of mirrors around her former house to snap selfies in. Khloé showed a glimpse of the construction going on around her new backyard pool.

Opening alert: KEE Oyster House in White Plains - The Journal News

Opening alert: KEE Oyster House in White Plains.

Posted: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:00:00 GMT [source]


Visit these important architectural homes from some of LA's pioneering greats like Eames, Gehry and Neutra. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. Boston Lobster in San Gabriel has solid Chinese food across the board, but you’re here for their massive lobster special.

Nixon Birthplace at the Nixon Library and Museum

Bhanu’s is a family-run grocery store in San Gabriel that also serves very good Indian food. Shanghai No. 1 Seafood is an eccentrically-decorated restaurant in San Gabriel that serves excellent Chinese food. Just like her cousin Stormi Webster, True has her very own life-sized playhouse.

Nickey Kehoe Design Studio

And don’t worry if the prices feel too good to be true — the char siu boasts candy-like edges and supple meat, while the siu yuk (aided by a little sauce before being crowned with crispy slices of skin) is tender enough. The three-item combo, a $10 blitz of sodium-infused bliss over rice, is an absolute steal. Visit this 1818 home to see what life was like in California when it was still governed by Mexico. This is the oldest standing residence in the city, built by wealthy cattle rancher Francisco Avila, whose extensive 4,439-acre land grant covered much of Beverly Hills and the Miracle Mile district. Though visitors only see about half of the original house, it’s well-preserved with an interesting mix of Spanish, Mission and ranchero influences. The pricy roast goose that needs to be ordered in advance is the specialty at Sham Tseng BBQ.

Cantonese-style roasted meats, or siu mei, are a lunchtime fixture in Hong Kong. Entire pigs and whole fowl are seasoned, air-dried, roasted, hacked into bite-sized pieces, and served in street stalls and restaurants throughout the city. Khloé shared and Instagram Stories update on October 20, 2021, showing several photos of how her backyard and the landscaping is coming along at her new mansion next door to her mom, Kris Jenner. No doubt Khloe’s going to have it covered in greenery and various climbing floral plants by the time it is completed. Khloé’s dream home is directly next door to the newly built mansion belonging to her mom, Kris Jenner.


With warm early spring temperatures in March 2022, Khloé’s daughter True took a pre-summer dip in her mom’s massive backyard pool. As if a massive pool and gardens weren’t enough, Khloé backyard has a long, rose-covered pergola for her to catch some fragrant shade under while she walks in between a serene reflective fountain and a large bench in the distance. The Nickey Kehoe Design Studio is home to a custom furniture collection, vintage objects, and modern accessories. Here, diverse palettes, periods and patterns form a harmonious whole - a feeling that each piece is not merely purchased, but acquired.

house of kee

Heritage Square Museum

Communal spaces such as the living and dining areas are balanced with private retreats, fostering harmony and comfort throughout the residence. At the center lies a cooling pool and courtyard, designed to moderate the tropical breeze and maintain a comfortable atmosphere. Expansive openings maximize natural light while controlling heat gain. The society that runs it certainly wants us to think so—haunted house tours and a popular interactive play capitalize on the 1929 scandal in which the owner of the mansion, oil heir Ned Doheny, died in a mysterious murder-suicide with his boyhood friend and employee. Doheny’s father was mired in the Teacup Dome Scandal at the time, and the deaths meant that he was excused from testifying; rumors also abounded that Ned, who was married with children, was trying to cover up a same-sex affair. Either way, a tour of this 55-room Tudor estate is a good way to get a glimpse into the lives of LA’s historical 1%—costly slate clads the façade and walkways, the windows are leaded glass and guests were entertained in the bowling alley and two movie theaters.

Once she moved in, the reality star couldn’t wait to share photos of her stunning new abode and its grounds. Daughter True Thompson, whom she shares with ex Tristan Thompson, loves to hang by the expansive pool over the summer whenever the kiddo can. Initially envisioned as a large mansion for three generations of a family in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia, the project was refined into a two-level dwelling with a focus on practical elegance.

True, and her cousin Dream Kardashian danced around the reality star’s gigantic kitchen in a March 29 Instagram Stories video. It showed Koko’s long center island, double ovens, a full wall of floor-to-ceiling cabinets for storage and an adorable eating area for four featuring a white table and comfy chairs. Khloé’s love of flowers was evident with a stunning pink rose display on the tabletop. Just like Kris, the Strong Looks Better Naked author’s pantry is something out of a home and living magazine with all the products organized by size, type of food and even color. Additionally, the Revenge Body host is known for keeping her space incredibly tidy.

Neutra ran his architectural from the original house from 1932 until a fire destroyed most of the main building in 1963. The Research House was rebuilt with the most modern materials and design adaptations by Neutra and his son Dion in 1966. There is also a Garden House on the property that was occupied by Dion Neutra and his family. Tours of the VDL House are conducted on Saturdays by architecture students from Cal Poly Pomona. Master woodworker Sam Maloof and his carpenters designed and built this lovely, thoughtful home piece by piece in his on-site workshop; no two door openings are the same here, and each joint is a wonder of craftsmanship. A MacArthur Genius Grant recipient, Maloof has had his iconic rocking chairs shown at the Smithsonian; he also designed the chairs that were used on-camera at the history-changing Nixon/Kennedy debates.

Chef Johnny Lee serves Cantonese hits out of this small shop adjacent to Howlin’ Ray’s in Far East Plaza. He’s struck gold with the siu yuk — a newish dish of skin-on pork belly that looks more like what’s served at Majordomo then anything found at a Cantonese restaurant. With a bed of egg noodles and a side of always-solid char siu, the siu yuk is one of the better meals to be had in Far East Plaza where the competition is stiff.

Black Interior Trim

black trim interior design

Our wood grain Shaker cabinet fronts were designed for busy, high-traffic homes like ours. Clad with durable textured thermofoils, this line is compatible with Sektion, Akurum, Godmorgon, and Besta cabinets from IKEA. It's the perfect, practical way to add the warmth of wood to all the rooms of your home. Here, the owners have matched up the black window frames with the black breakfast stools beneath the island, creating coordination without saturating the space in black.

Black Trims with a Transom Window

black trim interior design

There are a number of ways you can paint staircases black, depending on the type of banisters and steps you have. If you have wooden steps, then you can paint these along with the entire banisters in black and set this against white or off-white walls for a classic yet striking look. Dark-colored paint used on wood or metal trim can create bold lines in a space and help to draw attention to particular areas in a room. A dark trim is also excellent for setting a modern and contemporary tone and injecting some interest into a space without making the whole room feel dark or dreary. Combining the sophistication of black and the traditional red brick makes a house stand out, and its presence is known. The black trims highlight finer details like the garage door, big windows, and a welcoming porch.

Our Spring 2024 House Tour Video!

For an industrial or modern style home, a black steel or aluminum door works well. Having a black door with a brick wall creates a rustic yet elegant effect. And if you fancy a cottage look, a black front door works too. Ebony is daring, but it can easily match any material and color with a stunning result.

Contemporary Grey Luxury

You can also use rich colors like emerald green, wine red, and deep purple on statement furniture to make this dark academic vibe more prominent. A palette of grey is limited to the floor, lush rugs, decorative trims, and paintings. Black trims, wall paints, sofa covers, and lampshades remain the main characters of the interiors.

Home Tour: $100000 Eclectic interior design for 2-bedroom resale condominium for a couple - Home & Decor Singapore

Home Tour: $100000 Eclectic interior design for 2-bedroom resale condominium for a couple.

Posted: Sat, 07 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What is the best color for interior doors?

A lush white rug that covers the floor will create the perfect balance of grey and crisp white. Opt for premium bedding with a cool grey-toned, luxurious headboard, matching blankets, and curtains. Throw in more white with pillows and sofa covers to maintain the harmony of this grey grandeur in your bedroom. Use silver-tinted lamp shades, mirrors, and crystal chandelier decoratives to add a hint of luxury and complete your bedroom. This perfect combination of grey walls and white accents creates a sophisticated interior. Unlike smaller spaces, larger spaces can handle a bit more of a punch; thus, interior doors can be painted in a bolder color.

This can be done a in a lot of different ways, using color, shape, size, texture, and finish, just to name a few. If you’ve previously kept your interior trim white, let these dark trim paint color schemes inspire you to think outside the box – and have a little fun with going dark. But beyond the front door, black wallpaper, painted black furniture, lighting or baseboards can all add something classic to your rooms.

Top 20 Expert-Recommended Gray Paint Colors, Plus How to Pick the Best Shade - Better Homes & Gardens

Top 20 Expert-Recommended Gray Paint Colors, Plus How to Pick the Best Shade.

Posted: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

For a touch of color, use a full shade in the same color family. For instance, a traditional navy on an interior door will look great in a house which predominantly uses other blues. If you want something much more intense, pick an accent color you currently use in other parts of the house. This black barn door by Meriwether Design Group with white trim brings a rustic and charming element to this bedroom, serving as a focal point and adding visual interest to the space. The contrasting colors create a dramatic and stylish look that enhances the overall design aesthetic.

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She has a particular passion for green design and enjoys shopping small, local and second-hand where she can. Notice how the black drapery trim here really lends itself to the overall focal point. As you can see, this coordinates so nicely with the dark Lotus print wallpaper. This makes the overall design of the space look cohesive and intentional.

This style invites you to welcome the boldness of black without losing the spaciousness of white. As seen in the image pictured here, opting for furniture with straight, slender, parallel frames can create the illusion of black trim without actually investing in repainting your home. The resulting effect is sleek and modern, and this can be dressed in an edgy way for an industrial look or in a more classic way for a chic look. One of the trending looks across home decor accounts on social media at the moment is staircases with black trim.

In this image, rusty-blue paint is used on the adjacent wall to balance the lightness of grey. Further, shades of navy blue, sky blue, and sea blue add playfulness with soft accents in this bedroom. A greige lampshade, transparent sliver-toned curtains, and grey hardwood floor create a lighter backdrop for the tones of blue to take center stage. If so, take a look at this patterned color play of grey walls with black and white details.

However, baseboards also hide gaps between the bottom of the flooring and the walls. Picture rail is a chair rail that is much higher on the wall. Less common than some other kinds of trim, picture rail usually served to hold the hooks for hanging photographs with wire. Intentionally mixing metals in a space can elevate an interior's elegance and sophistication. That's because sticking to one metal finish in a room makes a space appear flat and one-dimensional, says designer Shannon Claire Smith, while mixing up to three metal finishes adds depth and interest. Smith and other designers offer more tips for how to mix metals for the best results in your home.

15 Dark Trim Paint Color Schemes That Work Perfectly

black trim interior design

These finishes will reflect more light and be easier to wipe clean. Most experts recommend semi gloss as the most durable and reliable paint finish for interior doors. Bailey Li describes herself as a decorative artist, interior artist, and designer.

Create a gorgeous foundation for wallpaper

In addition to being beautiful, Ingrid is really durable — we have three kids, and we always have a home construction project going on. If you have an attractive view out of the windows in a room, then you can make this into a focal point by painting the interior window frames in black. This is especially effective if black is used very minimally throughout the rest of the space because it really helps draw attention to the windows, as seen in this farmhouse kitchen. If you have light-colored walls and want to create a stark contrast with your baseboards, then black is the way to go. Black baseboards set against white walls look particularly classy, and it allows for a contrast that is intense without being overwhelming.

thoughts on “How To Transform Your Home With Black Trim and Black Doors!”

(I can’t find the source, so someone let me know in the comments if you know!) Using that analogy on window trim seems to have the same effect. I can’t believe how much the windows magnify the beautiful greenery outside of our house. These windows create fullness by filling in the additional space between a window or door and a high ceiling. They also let in more light, which improves the appearance of tight halls.

5 Paint Colors That Are Going Out of Style in 2023 - Real Simple

5 Paint Colors That Are Going Out of Style in 2023.

Posted: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]


This ensures there is a sense of continuity while still allowing the black to really stand out. Why not paint your house all black and make it more contemporary. Although it still makes your house warmer, it creates a country and traditional look to your home. Diagonal lines make a bold statement that can’t be ignored, making even the most traditional homes look and feel modern. It’s sometimes daunting when you’re tasked to pick a color for a longhouse like this. But choosing a trio like black, dark brown, and gray makes it an easy task.

black trim interior design

Grey and White Color Combination

Bringing them all together is the black garage, front doors, and black trims of the windows. To top it off, you’ll be welcomed by the sun through beautiful wall-length, floor-to-ceiling glass walls. They’re lined with black trims to make it cleaner, sharper, and picture-perfect. Try putting black trims on your house to make it look more modern. To help you out, here are 27 exterior house designs with black trims for producing a stunning visual.

Black is a classic color that never seems to go out of style, and we hope it stays that way. An unexpected way to incorporate the color black is with black moulding and trim. Adding black trim to white or off-white walls will instantly give any space a clean and crisp feel, while adding instant contrast. If you’re going for an even more unique style you could paint the trim a more matte flat black, but keep in mind it will be difficult to clean. While burgundy and brown work well in a neutral scheme, they take a fun turn when they’re using as part of a more colorful palette.

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But I should have known better, because every room needs a little bit of black. I love how they provide a grounding tone against the white shutters and the more whimsical wallpaper. I read once that if outside is not the best view, use white curtains.

Burgundy and neutrals

Black painted facades, and black trims emphasize the clean lines of a contemporary dwelling. The angles get sharper, and the architectural features become more obvious. Even with gray brick walls and black trims, your house wouldn’t scare off visitors.

An elegant black barn door by REFINED with white trim adds a touch of farmhouse charm to this living room, creating a visual focal point and adding character to the space. A classic black door by Michele Peterson Interiors with white trim stands out against a neutral-colored exterior, creating a striking contrast that adds elegance and sophistication to the entryway. Meanwhile, we had previously painted our bedroom window trim black years ago to fully color drench the room. And we painted the trim in the bonus room to match the walls. Just going from having the windows match the walls to being like this black eyeliner in the room — it pops! Black trim can be used in various ways – dark window frames look like a frame of the landscape view, exposed dark painted ceiling beams are a spectacular detail.

This is another traditional door trim idea that goes back to the days of Colonial America. Unlike the previous arrangement, this is a conventional smooth design that can fit in modern-styled houses. This Colonial-style door trim is broad and flat with small embellishment and is mitered at the corners.

While her work varies, she once mentioned her appreciation for neoclassical design, where she fell in love with the traditional elements and rich wood of the spaces. But while the world of interior design is inspiring, it's also competitive — and unfortunately lacks diversity. Many Black interior designers are all too often overlooked, despite their significant accomplishments in the field.

All of the cozy nooks, plant-filled desks, and open layouts may just inspire you to rethink your own home office. Even if you don't know Justina Blakeney by name, you've probably heard about her popular blog Jungalow, and you've definitely spotted photos from her viral Instagram account. Blakeney embraces an aesthetic that is retro-inspired, colorful, patterned, and decidedly plant-filled. Follow her so you won't miss a single plant pic or dreamy jewel-toned wall, then head to her online shop to get the look for your own home. Modern yet playful, Nina Barnieh-Blair's designs give us a pretty good idea of what our dream apartment would look like.

She takes you through the whole process from why she chose to paint her doors to taping the hardware like the hinges and knob and the painting process. The style of these double black doors works with the design of the room in a seamless way. Notice how the black doors complement the black window trim around the front door and echo the black touches in the rug. Painting your interior doors black is a dramatic and eye-catching look, but it is not for everyone. Here are a couple of ideas that can help you decide before pulling out your paint brush. This living room by Thom Filicia Inc showcases a black sliding door with white trim, adding a sleek and modern element while maximizing space and enhancing the overall design aesthetic.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The world's new biggest cruise ship, Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas, debuts on Saturday

icon of the seas inaugural cruise

You can now book Icon of the Seas sailings via the Royal Caribbean website or with a travel agent. The casino on Icon of the Seas will feature more televisions so you can watch sports at the same time. More than 82% of all rooms onboard Icon of the Seas will accommodate 3 or more guests, and more than 70% of all rooms onboard Icon of the Seas will have a balcony.

Icon of the Seas is ready: Here’s the timeline for Royal Caribbean’s new cruise ship debut

icon of the seas inaugural cruise

Meanwhile elderly passengers stream right past, powered by their limbs, walkers, and electric wheelchairs. ” I say, already starting to catch on to the ship’s class system. I am wearing a DADDY’S LITTLE MEATBALL T-shirt, I want to say to him.

Icon Of The Seas ship related cruise news

I once described a new ship's inaugural sailing as a combination of "Woodstock and Prom", and I stand by that description. If you go on a maiden sailing, be prepared for not every show to be totally ready for that voyage, but they will be ready as the weeks progress. Shows not being completely ready was also something that happened on the Wonder of the Seas inaugural voyage. Crew members offered complimentary glasses of champagne as you entered.

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A video posted to Royal Caribbean International President and CEO Michel Bayley's Facebook reveals Icon's first countdown as a completed ship. The Royal Promenade was packed, and the cheering continued as the clock struck midnight and balloons were released. Cabins also are relatively quiet for a busy ship, though we did hear a little noise from the AquaDome, as our room was located at the front of the ship. Other rooms to avoid on Icon of the Seas include those directly above or below busy spaces, especially on Deck 14.

Fuel tanks, like the engines and other large machinery, are installed into the hull blocks assembled at Meyer Turku. Each of RCI's ICON ships has a powerplant based on six Wartsila marine engines (dual fuel) running on both diesel and LNG/liquified natural gas. The ship also has installed hydrogen-based fuel cell technology using seawater to generate electricity and fresh water. Meyer Werft Turku works with 1000+ suppliers from various countries. Cruise ships' cabins are modular (prefabricated and later assembled at the shipyard) and made by the subsidiary Piikkio Works Oy, which has a factory in Piikkio Finland (approx 20 km / 13 mi to the east of Turku City).

The very first cruise on Icon of the Seas is in the books, and going on a maiden voyage of a new ship is unlike other sailings. There's no shortage of both complimentary and specialty dining options for guests to enjoy onboard Icon. To avoid any surprises when you get on the ship, however, it is important that you understand what is and isn't included. In addition to the new stateroom designs, Royal Caribbean built Icon to cater to families, meaning that more than 82% of all cabins will accommodate three or more passengers. Plus, more than 70% of all staterooms onboard will feature balconies.

Perspective Does the world's biggest cruise ship meet the hype? We tried it. - The Washington Post

Perspective Does the world's biggest cruise ship meet the hype? We tried it..

Posted: Thu, 08 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

There is so much more to life on Earth.” We all nod into our Red Stripes. THERE ARE BARELY 48 HOURS LEFT to the cruise, and the Icon of the Seas’ passengers are salty. They understand that the chicken gyro at “Feta Mediterranean,” in the AquaDome Market, is the least problematic form of chicken on the ship. In keeping with the aquatic theme, I attend a show at the AquaDome.

The EUR 19,4 million contract was for the supply and installation of all glass structures (including windows and railings on open decks and balconies, and motorized blinds embedded in all sliding windows) for both ICON ships (Icon OTS and Star OTS). Before the new ships' debut, testing of fuel cell technology began on the existing OASIS-class vessels, while larger fuel cell projects were tested on QUANTUM-class units (while under construction). On the Royal Promenade is hosted RCI's traditional family-themed parade "Ships Ahoy!".

For starters, at 250,600 tons, it will be more than 6% larger than the current size leader among cruise ships, Royal Caribbean's 7-month-old Wonder of the Seas. It'll also be able to hold up to 7,600 passengers — a new record for a passenger ship. In my white robe, I am a stately presence, a refugee from a better limited series, a one-man crossover episode.

The outdoor Basecamp Bar offers complimentary food plus premium a la carte-priced items and beverages. The venue is open between 11 am and 10 pm, while its bar for beverages opens at 9 am. Fast food choices include smash burgers, fried chicken nugget waffles with honey, crispy shrimp bao buns. Like the OASIS and OASIS PLUS ships, the ICON ships have 8x neighborhoods (themed decks) which are named AquaDome, Central Park, Chill Island, Thrill Island, Royal Promenade, The Hideaway, Surfside, and Suite Neighborhood. The "Ultimate Family Townhouse" is a 3-deck/level suite designed for families. The stateroom is with private access to Surfside Neighborhood and features an indoor dry slide, media room/cinema, karaoke room, huge terrace.

During the port stay, all the electricity needed for onboard operations/hotel services is provided by the city's power grid. The ship is currently scheduled to operate alternating Eastern and Western Caribbean itineraries (7-day roundtrips from Miami), all visiting CocoCay Bahamas. The voyages' call ports include Philipsburg (St. Maarten), Basseterre (St Kitts), Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas, US Virgin Islands), Coxen Hole (Isla Roatan, Honduras), Mexico's Cozumel and Costa Maya. Curiously, Icon OTS is RCI's first vessel with a Chief Dog Officer - the "family dog" Rover (5-month-old female golden retriever) who boarded the ship in Ponce (Puerto Rico) with Alison Hubble (Chief of Staff). The 2-level wellness complex (decks 12-14) consists of Vitality Spa, Vitality Cafe (open for breakfast and lunch), and To Dry For (blow-dry bar for quick beauty fixes/hairstyling, with a beverage service).

The AquaTheater has a transforming deepwater swimming pool and is fitted with modern technologies including multi-media equipment (superior light-sound-smoke effects, 3D flying projections), stage lifts, 4x robotic arms. A new for RCI venue in the AquaDome is Rye & Bean (coffee shop/bar). Royal Caribbean designed Icon of the Seas to give seafarers a chance to pick the best of perks from different kinds of vacations – resort getaway, beach escape, or theme park adventure – while on the cruise.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Icon of the Seas Cruise Ship First-hand Expert Review

icon of the seas inaugural cruise

The 3-deck Suite Neighborhood houses all the top-tier staterooms. It features an exclusive 2-deck Sundeck and an expanded Coastal Kitchen (suite-only restaurant on 2 levels, overlooking the AquaTheater). There is a larger exclusive sundeck (accessed only by Star Class and Sky Class suites) with its own swimming pool and an outdoor Jacuzzi, plus a new, suite-only casual dining venue (The Grove) offering traditional Mediterranean cuisine specialties. The 2024-built Icon of the Seas cruise ship is RCI-Royal Caribbean's first ICON-Class vessel scheduled for delivery and inauguration in 2024 January, being postponed from 2022-Q2 and 2023-Q3 due to the COVID crisis. The liner is currently the world's largest by volume/GT-tons (~6% bigger than Wonder OTS) and has two same-designed sisterships - Star Of The Seas (2025-Q2) and TBN of the Seas (2026-Q2). The ship also comes with a higher price tag than any of the other vessels in Royal Caribbean’s fleet.

The live jazz bar

Royal Caribbean Icon of the Seas cruise ship takes first trip - Morning Brew

Royal Caribbean Icon of the Seas cruise ship takes first trip.

Posted: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This mall is the one that’s called Central Park, perhaps in homage to the Olmsted-designed bit of greenery in the middle of my hometown. Although on land I would be delighted to own a suite with Central Park views, here I am deeply depressed. To sail on a ship and not wake up to a vast blue carpet of ocean? The Royal Promenade measures 362 feet long and will feature ocean views for the first time. As you walk onto the ship, you'll see a giant multi-deck high glass wall that will provide natural light and a way to still see the beautiful ocean that surrounds the ship. Icon of the Seas will carry 7,600 passengers at maximum occupancy (or nearly 10,000 people when you account for the crew) when it first sets sail with guests Jan. 27, 2024.

icon of the seas inaugural cruise


There's a new pool-themed version of Royal Caribbean's carousel and a bar with "mommy and me" matching mocktails for kids and cocktails for grownups. Royal Caribbean wanted to go beyond just having water slides, so Icon will introduce the first water park at sea. Thrill Island is the name of a brand new neighborhood coming to the first Icon Class cruise ship, and it is a new approach to aquatic fun on a cruise ship for Royal Caribbean. Icon of the Seas will have its own lush green place onboard, with thousands of real plants, dining, and live music. Icon of the Seas is the first Icon Class ship, which means this cruise ship will have a new design, size, and look compared to other ships that came before her.

RCI-Royal Caribbean's ship Icon of the Seas conducts boat rescue operation

Crew members from every part of the global South, as well as a few Balkans, are shepherding us along while pressing flutes of champagne into our hands. By a humming Starbucks, I drink as many of these as I can and prepare to find my cabin. I show my blue Suite Sky SeaPass Card (more on this later, much more) to a smiling woman from the Philippines, and she tells me to go “aft.” Which is where, now? As someone who has rarely sailed on a vessel grander than the Staten Island Ferry, I am confused. It turns out that the aft is the stern of the ship, or, for those of us who don’t know what a stern or an aft are, its ass.

Icon Of The Seas ship related cruise news

Following the ceremony, Icon of the Seas was relocated to a shipyard in Cádiz, where she received some final outfitting touches before beginning her transatlantic voyage to North America. Despite being delivered in late November, Icon was not fully completed. The delivery ceremony was held at the Meyer Turku shipyard in Finland, where the majority of the ship's construction took place. Icon of the Seas will finally welcome guests onboard later this month. The brand-new vessel still has to undergo a few more preparations before that can happen, though. It routinely holds gatherings for LGBTQ+ and solo travelers, though the ship does not have any solo or studio cabins.

This is your week to enjoy everything you’ve ever loved about every vacation — all rolled into one. Currently under construction at the giant Meyer Turku shipyard in Turku, Finland, Icon of the Seas was ordered before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic brought a downturn in cruise bookings and has been under construction since June 2021. The much-awaited new ship, which will debut in January 2024, opened for bookings for the first time on Monday to members of Royal Caribbean's Crown & Anchor Society. The general public was able to book the ship starting Tuesday morning. Tomorrow, I will spend more time with him, but first the ship docks at St. Thomas, in the U.S.

Cabins and suites on Icon of the Seas

icon of the seas inaugural cruise

But of all the activities the new world's largest cruise ship has to offer, my eight favorites are, for the most part, ones I've yet to see on another vessel. There's a reason Royal Caribbean's new mega-cruise ship is only operating seven-night sailings. Other features of the Icon of the Seas include the new AquaDome, a multi-purpose enclosed space that offers a selection of bars and restaurants, in addition to an aquatic theater and a multi-level waterfall. There’s never been a night out like going all out onboard the new Icon of the Seas℠ with over 15 spirit-sipping spots and vibrant live music venues to choose from. When the sun goes down, your night lights up with possibilities.

Convenient Port Canaveral “Park & Cruise” Hotels

Marvel at lush tropical jungles in Roatán, trek through Mayan ruins in Cozumel — and brave the tallest waterslide in North America at our gamechanging private island, Perfect Day at CocoCay. Technology and artistry merge on the new Icon of the Seas℠, inspiring awe on a grand scale. From performances that push the bounds of bravery to mixology magic against a background of wraparound ocean views — icons don’t just steal the show, they change the way you see it forever. This is a whole new kind of adventure with new thrills that change the way you play for good.

First ship in the fleet to have a two-story Coastal Kitchen restaurant. This will be Royal Caribbean's largest area for suite guests, and it includes a suite sun deck, Coastal Kitchen restaurant, and a new casual eatery just for suite guests, The Grove. The Royal Suite Class benefits will be available on Icon of the Seas, and that includes three decks of space for suite guests. Then there's a multilevel terrace, whirlpools, a variety of seating, and a dedicated bar.

Icon of the Seas will offer 7-night cruises to the Eastern and Western Caribbean from Miami, Florida. It's where they can stay and play all day, especially since there's no need to head to the Windjammer for lunch. Icon of the Seas measures an astonishing 250,800 gross registered tons and can carry a maximum of 7,600 passengers, making Icon roughly 6% larger than Wonder of the Seas.

Inside the elevators there are no panels/buttons to push, meaning fewer stops on every floor. Like all RCI boats, Icon also has a FlowRider (surfing simulator positioned aft-starboard on top deck), an island-themed Mini-Golf Course (Lost Dunes) and Rock-Climbing Walls (at Adrenaline Peak), Ice-Rink Arena (Absolute Zero/fleet's largest). The boat has 19 decks, of which 18 are passenger-accessible and 12 with cabins. "Family Infinite Balcony" cabins accommodate 6 people and are with split bathrooms, a separate kids' bedroom (with bunk beds), and an infinite balcony.

Also listed as sold out for the first sailing were all 535 of the ship's windowless interior cabins and all 276 ocean-view cabins. Instead of trying to impress with my choice of T-shirts, I have decided to start wearing a robe, as one does at a resort property on land, with a proper spa and hammam. ” Mr. Rand cries out as we pass each other by the Thrill Island aqua park. You know, you really drank me under the table that night.” I laugh as we part ways, but my soul cries out, Please spend more time with me, Mr. and Mrs. Rand; I so need the company.

World's biggest cruise ship docks at PortMiami - WPTV News Channel 5 West Palm

World's biggest cruise ship docks at PortMiami.

Posted: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Every sailing on our newest, thrill-packed ship stops at our private destination, Perfect Day at CocoCay in The Bahamas. Voted Best Private Island by Travel Weekly readers, it’s a place unlike any other where you can turn up the thrills or unplug and chill. While the first sailing of Icon of the Seas is nearly sold out, space remains available on a wide range of later departures, and at lower price points. As of Tuesday, the least expensive sailing on the ship — a Sept. 14, 2024 departure — was available to book on Royal Caribbean's website for $998 per person.

The ship is introducing several new features to Royal Caribbean’s fleet, including a ropes course-style attraction that will see guests hanging 154 feet above the ocean. Also new are the crew-only Beauty Salon (hairstyling and barber services), Store, Game Room, and Gym. The Crew Buffet Restaurant has porthole windows and, along with the traditional cold and hot food stations, also has live cooking stations. Another novelty is The Clubhouse - forward located crew lounge with full bar service, fitted with massage chairs, ping pong and foosball tables, and billiards, as well as 4x LCD Virtual Windows providing real-time outside views.

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